Longview, Texas, United States
F3 Faith in God, Fidelity to Spouse, Fellowship with One Another

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Successful First Iron Men Breakfast!

How very fortunate are we to have such a wonderful group of men here at PTCC. We had a great showing this beautiful Saturday the 31st of January 2009. Those that were present (I believe, from memory) include: Stacey Hildebrand, Martin Gruver, Ricky Maxwell, James Mathis, James Stueart, J. Ritchie Hamm, Craig Rapp, Jerry Gore, Steve Hemphill, Seth Morris, Craig Chambliss, Doc Turk, Leroy Waggoner, Brandon (I Don't Know His Last Name, Sorry Brandon), Neal Venable, and Keith Cormier. If I left someone out, forgive me, I am getting old. Jerry Gore, Neal Venable, Keith Cormier, Craig Chambliss and Craig Rapp helped prepare the food, and I believe did a pretty good job. The food was great and the company even better! Please review the section on the right side of this blog that lists ideas for this ministry and check all that appeal to you. Thanks again for attending. Be on the look out for updated pictures from our first event.
In Him


  1. I thought that this was an awesome beginning to our "Ironmen" Ministry. I'm looking forward to more great fellowships and Bible studies. I'll be praying for our ministry.

  2. Thanks a bunch Stacey. You are truely appreciated for all that you do and I am so glad to have you as an active member of this upcoming ministry.


Iron Men

Iron Men
Faith Fidelity Fellowship