We want any guys who have ideas about events, programs, classes, seminars, or whatever, to let us know. Place them in the comment section at the bottom of this post (paragraph).
Excerpts from free book 13 Ways to Ruin Your Life, By Jarrod Jones. See links.
1. Be unresolved (Proverbs 7:7) 2. Flirt with Temptation (Pro 7:8) 3. Feel your in control (Pro 7:12, 25) 4. Believe no one will know (Pro 7:18-20) 5. Take just one more look (Pro 7:22-23) 6. Act without thinking (Pro 7:22) 7. Think you are the exception (Pro 7:26-27) 8. Learn by Experience (Pro 7: 1-2) 9. Live in Denial (Pro 7:9, 21, 25-26) 10. Deny the obvious (7:10, 13, 16) 11. Be gullible (Pro 7:13-18) 12. Make excuses (Pro 7:13, 15) 13. Get hardened to God's truth (Pro 7:1) Do yourself a favor and read these passages! There truly is nothing new under the sun. We, however, can be renewed under the Son.
Upcoming Events-Mark Your Calender
Second Men's Prayer Breakfast Scheduled for April 25. Mark your calenders!
March 4th, 2009 Beginning New Men's Class: Every Man's Battle. Taught by Keith Cormier and Craig Rapp
Please purchase your copy of "Every Man's Battle" prior to the start of this class and read the introduction and the first three chapters, as this will let us get right into discussion.
Are you bothered by the attire of some of our Christian sisters?
Something to pray about.
In your daily prayers, please consider the following. There is a difficulty that men can have with the visual nature of our hyper-sexual society. Sometimes it is easy to overcome these difficulties, and sometimes it is not. Ask the Lord to help those with these difficulties, and to help each of us "bounce" our eyes away from sexual images that are not ours to look at. Help us to focus on our wives, and our wives only. Pray for our new Iron Men Ministry, that we can be successful in ministering to men that may be hurting, men that may be on the brink or addiction, and men that don't even know they are sinning against God and their wives by taking that "quick peek" at that cute sales girl or his friends wife. Help us men to realize that if she is not our wife, we have no right to look at her that way! Ask for us to be the men God and our wives want us to be. Thanks
What Outdoor Function Would You Like To See Iron Men Do This Summer?
Iron Men Contacts
Deacon Over Iron Men: Keith Cormier
Iron Men Coordinators: The Craigs-(Rapp and Chambliss)
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